Shes Hot. I'll buy it Thanks ;)

If you were to ask any man what his dream wife woud be... it would have to be this housewife right here.
Shes probably married to some fat old italian man, who goes out and makes the money for her, so she can afford to wear her prada and chanel, and drive a nice car.
 The blonde bitch stays home and cooks and cleans in kinky undies.
Although i wouldt mind a life like that... doesnt look too boring.
She probably gets a kick out of doing all the house work in erotic undies and gstrings.
Then her husband can come home, eat his pasta... and have hot sex with his bitch....
and the routine repeats again and again.
And he returns the favour by buying more kinky undies... and cars... and jewellery. and the rest of the shit she wants.
What a life :)
what an imagination i have for a photoshoot. :) lalala


Brooklyn. said...

hoe do you make it so the images are bigger?

aniaaa said...

you have to have the old blog editor, thats what i have.

Brooklyn. said...

how do i get that?

aniaaa said...

ummm i have no idea. i did it ages ago, just look on the settings or the customize profile thingo